Tag Archives | The List


Q&A Nick Brooks

Your new novel, Indecent Acts, explores the daily struggles of Grace, a semi-illiterate 40-something mother from Drumchapel. What inspired you to write her story? The germ of the novel came about while I was organising literacies groups around west Glasgow. I found that the way some people wrote, that was a source of shame or […]

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Libby McGugan Interview

How would you describe The Eidolon? A science fiction thriller that explores the nature of reality through an edge-of-the-seat storyline featuring dark matter, the CERN laboratory, and the boundary between the living and the dead. That’s my publisher’s description, and it’s better than the one I came up with. Are there any authors who have […]

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Gary Gibson Interview

How would you describe your work? My work gets compared to writers like Neal Asher and Peter Hamilton but, in my head, I’m trying to write like Greg Bear and other American hard SF writers I grew up reading–but then, Neal and Peter probably read the same stuff. Is your new novel Marauder connected to […]

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Portrait of the late author Iain Banks

Iain Banks

There’s surely no more fitting monument to a writer than the stories they inspire others to tell. As the shockwave of Iain Banks’ death swept through social media and around the world, a host of people—from fellow authors, such as Neil Gaiman and Ian Rankin, to loyal fans—felt moved to share their stories of the man, his work and […]

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