Leonard Nimoy, 1931-2015

It wasn’t the first time Leonard Nimoy had told this particular anecdote on stage at a Star Trek convention; nor would it be the last. Yet in early May 1999, explaining the origins of the world-famous Vulcan salute ended up being one of the most significant personal moments in the actor’s life.

Not that such a possibility had crossed Nimoy’s mind, back in 1967 while working on “Amok Time”, the episode which launched Star Trek’s second season and provided viewers their first glimpse of Spock’s home world. With filming schedules being ever tight, Nimoy had simply little time to come up with an idea for a suitably “Vulcan” salute.

Yet, within days of “Amok Time”’ being broadcast, Nimoy was surprised when people in the street made the “Vulcan” sign at him. Nor did it ever stop. Nearly half a century later, as…

Full article published in Star Trek: The Official Magazine #54/181 (Summer 2015).
